{* * $Revision: 1.10 $ * If you want to customize this file, do not edit it directly since future upgrades * may overwrite it. Instead, copy it into a new directory called "local" and edit that * version. Gallery will look for that file first and use it if it exists. *} {if !empty($status)}

{if isset($status.saved)} {g->text text="Display settings saved successfully"} {/if} {if isset($status.added)} {g->text text="New field added successfully"} {/if} {if isset($status.moved)} {g->text text="Field moved successfully"} {/if} {if isset($status.removed)} {g->text text="Field removed successfully"} {/if} {if isset($status.picklist)} {g->text text="Picklist updated successfully"} {/if} {if isset($status.error.duplicate)} {g->text text="Field name already in use"} {/if} {if isset($status.error.empty)} {g->text text="Field name cannot be empty"} {/if}


{g->text text="Display"}

{g->text text="Set the display order and visibility of the fields below. Summary fields are typically displayed with thumbnails in an album view. Detail fields are usually shown when viewing the specific item."}

{foreach from=$form.set item=set} {/foreach} {foreach from=$form.set item=set} {cycle delimiter="|" values="gbEven,gbOdd|gbOdd,gbEven" assign="rowclass"} {/foreach}
{foreach from=$form.fields[$set.key] key=idx item=item} {/foreach}
{g->text text="Field"} {g->text text="Summary"} {g->text text="Detail"} {g->text text="Order"}
{$item.field} {if $idx > 0} {g->text text="up"} {/if} {if ($idx < count($form.fields[$set.key])-1)} {g->text text="down"} {/if}

{g->text text="Add/Remove"}

{g->text text="Save any changes above before using the controls below."}

{foreach from=$form.set item=set} {/foreach} {foreach from=$form.set item=set} {/foreach}

{g->text text="Field:"} {if !empty($form.fields[$set.key])} {/if}
{g->text text="Action:"} {if !empty($form.fields[$set.key])} {/if}

{g->text text="Picklist Values"}

{g->text text="Custom fields allow freeform text entry by default. Enter values below to restrict field values to a specific list of choices. Enter one choice per line. Remove all choices to return to freeform text. Note that existing field values will not be changed or deleted when a picklist is added."}

{if isset($nonempty)}
{g->text text="Field:"}
{g->text text="Choices:"}

{g->text text="Add a custom field above to enable this section."}
